Welcome to the official home of STRONG Gym!
We are unique and radically different from every other fitness club/gym in the area because we focus on STRENGTH as the primary basis of functional health, body recomposition, and athletic and sport performance. We forge strength through basic barbell and bodyweight training that is simple and effective, but grounded in hard, yet rewarding work, impeccable form, and injury prevention.
STRONG Gym - 506 S. Jefferson - Springfield, MO 65806- 417-315-8034-
Training Log - William McNeely
ReplyDeleteSUN, 27 May 2012
No training
MON, 28 May 2012
* BIOFORCE: 1:13 pm HRV 75.5, HR 59.8
* Accupuncture Massage and Mobility Work
Strength Training (3:30pm)
Foam Roll + LAX
Thoracic Work
Postural Reinforcement
Speed - 6 x 10 yd. Starts (var.).
Jump - Foam Box Jump + 20WV. 44" x 3 x 3
ME Lower
1A: GCB Olympic Squat.
[Belt] 325 + 100c. x 2, 375 + 100c. x 3 x 2
1B: Power Clean. 175 x 3 x 3
2: Speed Deadlifts.
[Belt] 315 + gB x 12 x 1
- switched alt grip each set
3A: Kneeling Cable Abs. + 3sec. ECC
70 x 8, 90 x 8
3B: One Arm DB Side Bends
[straps] 80 x 2 x 12
3C: Reverse Back Extension. + 3sec. ECC
50 x 8, 70 x 8
Alactic/ Aerobic Capactiy (8:15pm)
Sled Sprints [50#] x 40yd.
Recovery: HR 125-130
Duration: 20:02
6 sprints completed
Max HR 165
Avg HR 140
Training Schedule (General Macrocycle)
*Cardiac Development
*Infared Sauna
*Strength Training (ME Lower)
+ Speed Work
*Alactic/Aerobic Capacity Work
*Grip Work
*Cardiac Development
*Infared Sauna
*Strength Training (SE Upper)
+ Explosive Medball Work, Tumbling
*Cardiac Development
*Strength Training (DE Lower)
+ Speed Work
*Alactic/Aerobic Capacity Work
*Grip Work
*Strength Training (ME Upper)
+ Explosive Medball Work, Tumbling
Training Log - William McNeely
ReplyDeleteTUES, 29 May 2012
No training
WED, 30 May 2012
* BIOFORCE: 9:34 Am HRV 82.3, HR 63.3
* Accupuncture Massage and Mobility Work
Strength Training (10:30pm)
Foam Roll + LAX
Thoracic Work
Postural Reinforcement
Explosive Med Ball Work
1: Stability Bench Press + Chains.
135 + 50c. x 3, 145 + 50c. x 3, 155 + 50c. x 3, 165 + 50c. x 3, 175 + 50. x 3, 185 + 50c. x 3, 195 + 50c. x 3, 205 + 50c. x 3, 215 + 50c. x 3
2: T-Bar Rows.
205 x 6, 230 x 2 x 6
3: Upperbody Sled Work.
160 x 160
Alactic/ Aerobic Capactiy (4:40 pm)
Sled Sprints [40#] x 40yd.
Recovery: HR 125-130
Duration: 20:00
6 sprints completed
Max HR 167
Avg HR 145